I feel very deeply for animals and life on this planet.
The best way I have of communicating this is through my paintings.
My paintings ‘talk’ to me.
Their eyes  reach out and grab my heart  saying WE MATTER!!!!!!

Australian by birth, I am the outcome of a romantic liaison between the daughter of a Russian Tinker and an English adventurer in search of the ‘new’ world.
Fairytale stories from many distant places peppered my childhood  feeding my yearning for travel.
Some of my earliest memories are also of magical animal experiences on our farm.     When I was with these animals, time stood still and I would loose myself in their unspoken language, imprinting an indelible mark on my psyche. These special encounters are the creative influences woven through my life and my art.

Subsequently,  my journeys took me afar with long sojourns in San Francisco and London, plus a few years immersed in the romantic artistry of Europe.During my travels, I started my career painting fantasy finishes and murals on interior walls, learning to ‘paint on the job’.

Later in life when I began to paint on canvas, I sourced these techniques.   I never ‘know’ what I am going to paint, rather, laying down  transparent oil paint which gives me a place to begin. After ‘breaking the surface’ of the colour with brushes, cloth or other tools, I allow the patterns in the paint to guide me,  discovering imagery  within the layers. Thus the stories unfold as I watch.

I paint from a deep, soul-level connection with animals, capturing their essence through my process, which I call Vision Drawing. My goal is to reflect the true spirit of each animal, focusing on their humanity and sentience. The eyes in my paintings are particularly powerful, inviting viewers into a silent, emotional exchange, much like encountering a living creature.

Over time, my paintings seem to take on a life of their own, evolving and forming unique connections with each viewer. This journey continues beyond the canvas, fostering empathy and inspiring a world where animal suffering is no longer ignored.

I am passionate about supporting sanctuaries for animals affected by human actions. Having had the privilege to just ‘BE’ with these animals, I believe emotional connections—especially with wild creatures—are key to inspiring protection and care.

As David Attenborough wisely said:
~No One will protect what they don’t care about,   
And no one will CARE about
what they have NEVER EXPERIENCED.~

Thank you for visiting. I’ll be sharing more stories and paintings in my journal, so check back soon!

Keep creative,

“Your art give me a sense the animals are looking back from a physical environment which we humans think belongs exclusively to us. You seem to propose that we are over stating our importance, that we are wrongheaded considering ourselves the top species. You are portraying the natural order as it really is, rather than the way our group ego has it reconstructed. …..
Your art is an honest voice of nature, correcting the story, showing us the error of our ways. As a human I am left saying to myself  ‘please stop behaving like that, you are messing everything up.”  ~  Mike