Hello and Welcome

Hello & Welcome to my Journal and ArtSite.
This is where I give myself permission to free-write without editing. On my paintings page I have profiled paintings created over the last 15 or so years.  I love change and looking back I can see where my journey has taken me. Today I find myself in one of those yucky resistant times when  creativity doesn’t flow. Susan Seddon Boulet my friend and mentor, once said to me to welcome these blocks as ‘the fallow field’ a vital part of the growth process. How interesting that with Covid-19 the fallow field is where we must be.
I am hoping that by tipping up here occasionally to share my thoughts I will come back to my creative heart .  Meantime I have listed some paintings below with stories about their creation. They come from a time when I wanted my animals to be seen in nature where I felt they belonged. Each painting for me takes on a life of its own and this was my way of honouring this.  In the next few months I will share my transformation into the next phase so hope to see you here again.

I would love you to contact me and let me know what you would like to know about me and my art – A bit of a starting point for me to write from!

For now  blessings to you all – Blaze

In Paradise Now – Moonbear

IN PARADISE NOW -Moonbear-    oil & mixed mediums on Belgian linen

This beautiful moonbear is a detail from a larger painting inspired by images of Franzi, one of the first rescue bears at that Animals Asia Centre in China. Her eyes turned out to be so engaging I surprised myself. There was no resource material for this purely a  profound experience of connection with the rescued bears.

Even though I did not Franzi nor try to paint her portrait, rather found her story touched my heart to see that such suffering could become such peace love.
Yet she has resilience beyond what we know. When we look into her eyes, she rescues us. Surely that is our responsibility, to allow her rest and peace. Connecting with a Bear opens our hearts. The light in their eyes reflects ours. Thru their eyes we recognize life as one and the same – every life has a right to be lived according to the laws of nature. This truth might rescue humanity.

We are of one source. What you do to me, you do to each other. Once as you looked into my eyes you knew that I was a symptom of man’s inhumanity.
Today look into my eyes and see a part of yourself reflected there. See there a reflection of your human compassion. When you stop long enough to look deep into my eyes you will find nourishment. The loving connection between one species and another. Each lifetime can be heaven on earth for all beings.
Don’t stand by and watch suffering that you can help end.
Your actions matter.

Thank you for visiting. Keep creative – blaze

Loving Animals


As far back as I remember I connected with animals as my friends and equals. From a tadpole in a pond to an eagle soaring high above the trees where we lived I can remember many conversations from the heart of my child. Life’s twists and turns drew me into painting. Decorating interior walls in houses. Exploring techniques by accident and finally finding a style that flowed for me. Later in life I engaged these techniques to help me express, on canvas, the connection with animals that has always informed every aspect of my life.  Often I wonder if the painting process allows me to re connect with the child who was so at one with animals. Or am I painting from those experiences. Whatever it might be, one day I will collect  stories together in a book and maybe others will also enjoy them. Meantime I continue to seek connection with wild animals, caring for them in even the smallest ways. Somehow my world seems right in the doing and I wonder what other purpose there is to my life than Loving Animals. Human and non-human, how empty the world would be with out them……blessings blaze


SUNFIRE – oil & mixed mediums on Belgian linen – Mustang Stallion at Return To Freedom mustang sanctuary in California,USA.
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Whilst working on a series of stories based on my experiences with horses, Sunfire was never out of my mind. His photo above my art space meant his presence was always with me. This majestic stallion is one of a herd of bachelor stallions at Return To Freedom Mustang Sanctuary in USA. He caught my eye from day one, not only for his striking tobiano roan colouring, also the sense of independence and strength I felt from him. I wanted so much to connect with him.

He grazed a hundred feet from me, head lowered, attention fully on me, sensing something unknown in his territory. Once he left the band and raced towards me, defiantly, warning me though not menacingly. Just exerting his presence I thought. Of course I got a fright and in that moment all my expectation dissolved. I felt empty, a bit shaken and sank into a sort of trance not watching, thinking or wanting anything.

When this seemingly endless moment passed I realized the big snowflake red horse was close behind me with his friends, inquisitive, grazing, quietly accepting my presence. Was I being as they were, in the moment doing just what they do.

This incident made an indelible mark on my life, my understanding of judgment and expectation.

Stay creative in your world – blaze

A Wild Heart

 –  oil & mixed mediums on a recycled timber panel, hand-painted frame –
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This painting took shape after visiting Return To Freedom, mustang sanctuary in USA. During my time there I learned much about the mustang and the native peoples. Neda de Mayo, Director of RTF, showed me a photo of a warrior of the Choctaw Nation and his pony. So heartfelt was their connection that it inspired this painting. I felt there was a kinship that flowed through their story, both driven to the brink by forces beyond their control.

As always I never know what I will paint. I laid down the initial broken finish before my trip to RTF. It felt awkward without flow with an eagle as the central focus. There was no hook for me so I did not continue. On my return I jumped back into it. The imagery easily evolved this time offering me insight to that story in my heart still so alive for me.

It speaks to my own prayer that all sentient beings have the right to live as nature intended, a prayer for loving kindness and acceptance.

I borrowed the words in the title from Native American poet/musician/advocate for Native American rights,John Trudell, whose is so much part of this struggle. Thank you John for your amazing poetry.

Stay creative in your world – blaze

Somewhere A Snow Leopard Listens

SOMEWHERE A SNOW LEOPARD LISTENS   –  oil & mixed mediums on Belgian linen –     
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Regal and protective she sits with her cub. The story here tells me of life as ancient as the land reaching back into the snow capped mountains of time. Is the shadow her past or her future, her destiny or her ancestry. Her future undetermined floats on the waters of time. Will there be a future for her kind. Imploring she reaches out stirring me with her quiet reflection.
Inspired by stories told by friends who work with the Snow Leopard Conservancy,  she is a part of a series of big cat paintings.

I created the cat large as life so that we, the audience, look up to her. Her home territory is Central Asia, also the home of Buddhism, coincidentally where much of my symbolism comes from.

Thank you for visiting.  Stay creative in your world – blaze


EMERGENCE  –  oil & mixed mediums on Belgian linen –
AVAILABLE contact me

This painting signified a pause in the restrictions of doing projects and a need to reconnect with my own creative process. Yellow, pink and turquoise created a starting point. My favorite colors, they help me connect with the feeling of beauty that I wanted to express in this painting. I knew it would be part of my horse project but had no idea what might evolve. I struggled to move forward feeling creatively blocked. I keep a beautiful hand-painted box for inspiring words and images. Opening the precious container of my inspiration, I knew it would hold a key to what was needed for this painting to flourish. Symbolically I painted a turquoise border around the image as though the box was open. There inside I felt the story take wings.
I found symbols appearing that had been present in earlier work, the stairway, the 7 moons, the eagle to mention a few. The winged horse was new. At the time I was reading about souls and reincarnation. Maybe there is a suggestion of this here. I do feel there is a birth in this. Or maybe it is the cycle of life-death-rebirth. This painting is always a catalyst for visitors to share their insights.

See you again soon.  Stay creative in your world – blaze

As Mowgli Sleeps

AS MOWGLI SLEEPS   –  28″ X 40″ –  oil & mixed mediums on Belgian linen –
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“As Mowgli sleeps the forest weeps tears of joy”  –  Several years ago I found an original edition of Rudyard Kipling’s Jungle Book. It gave me the idea of creating a series around the 22 animals in the story,enough for a large body of work.

The story itself is timeless, coming to life thru many generations. Usually seen through a child’s imagination, as an adult it gave me a deeper insight into my own dream of Mowgli’s inner world.
Beginning with a dark broken finish, I wanted to experience the story as if in reverie. The imagery speaks of the interconnection of all things. As I continued to layer color, the characters appeared. Jungle Book is not a wafty children’s story of goodness rather an often confronting reality of life in the jungle. A metaphor for our human jungle?

Bagheera, Baloo, Akela, seem to have a story of their own to tell. Nearly complete I sat as always quietly allowing the image to wash over me. Usually insights and ideas come from this. Mind you I do not always remember to do it. Words came through to me as I noticed a white space. Truth Love Compassion live here. The symphony of life serenades our dreams. So I added the music score and created the title.

Keep that smile on your heart and stay creative in your world – blaze

For The Love Of Life

FOR THE LOVE OF LIFE  –  oil and mixed mediums on Belgian linen – For The Love Of Topaz, my first horse and her foal Ma Fille.  –  SOLD

If you have watched mares and foals you will know that although the youngsters gallivant around, when they touch base with their mothers there is always a deep affection between them, a display of unmistakable love between a mother and child.

I wanted to explore this feeling of love and how horses might express it. To jump into the feeling myself I need something to look at.

I found a beautiful image that spoke to every feeling I wanted to capture. I rarely use direct resource material but this image was exceptional and I had never painted a horse. I discovered it was the work of talented photographer Sande Elkins of Gray Horse designs. Thank you for permission Sande.

Painting my first horse was daunting. I knew that it would be the beginning of a new journey and that this painting would hold a message for me. As I dived into the canvas I felt a deep ordering within myself, a letting go. I felt the shapes come through even without looking at the photo. This process stirred up feelings of love, loving what I do and allowing the unique message of my subject to come through.
Hence the name for this piece.


REFLECTIONS  –  29″ X 31″ – unframed – oil & mixed mediums on board
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Every lunch-time, in the balmy warmth of Vietnam in October, after morning chores were done, I would sit with the bears. A guest at the Animals Asia moonbear rescue centre in Tam Dao Vietnam, this was a gift beyond words for me.

This majestic moonbear would come to the window of the den, gaze into my eyes and make the ‘click click’ sound which seemed to be their form of communication. Something so ancient and knowing glowed in his eyes. So forgiving after the horrific ordeal of a bear bile farm.

I painted him several times but this image spoke most to me of emotional bonding between species, interconnectedness. Combining the oil painting techniques I used on murals I wanted to present the beauty and majesty of this guy, an ambassador for his kind. I asked AAF founder Jill Robinson how she protected herself from the heartbreak of seeing the condition of the bears she rescued. She replied that ’the bears rescued her every time’.   The recovery and joy in these rescued bears was palpable. They certainly reached out and grabbed my heart. Thank you Jill for an amazing experience!

Stay creative in your world – blaze

Soul Of Earthfire

SOUL OF EARTHFIRE  –  36″ X 46″ – oil & mixed mediums on Belgian linen

My creative journey took another turn when I visited Earthfire Institute wildlife sanctuary in Idaho USA. Offered the opportunity to interact with rescued wild animals changed the way I see life and my place in the world. There were so many experiences that all have a common thread, the circle of animals and their willingness to interact with us. This allowed for artistic exploration, animal or interspecies communication and immersion into animal spirituality.

I was particularly taken by a lynx ,Elmo, with whom I had some beautiful moments. Researching Lynx I discovered an Iberian cousin in Spain now critically endangered. Although I do not literally paint the experience, I do paint from the feelings of the experience that always opens up unknown or familiar insights.

In this painting I wanted to share this through the symbol of the circle, the web of life and the crow ever present in my garden, wherever I might be.

Stay creative in your world – blaze

For Our Future

FOR OUR FUTURE  – 28″ X 36″ –  oil & mixed mediums on Belgian linen – beautiful image depicting harmony of species and natures innate wisdom.
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This is another painting in my decorative series relating back to my mural painting techniques. Though rather formal in layout it emanates a decorative, symbolic quality. I created this to honour Dr. Jane Goodall during her 80th birthday visit to Australia. I love the juxta position of the elephant sculpture in the background of the photograph. This has been called a soulful portrayal of nature’s wisdom.

Stay Well.  Stay creative in your world – blaze

And The Mountain Speaks

AND THE MOUNTAIN SPEAKS   – 36″ x 28″  – oil & mixed mediums on Belgian linen – intutive painting of expressive wildlife.

Several years ago I joined a l retreat, ‘Walk On The Wildside’ with Rose de Dan at Earthfire Institute in Idaho USA. We spent time connecting with both the resident rescued wild animals and the awe-inspiring land of the Grand Tetons.

One evening at dusk, surrounded by sage and bathed in the yellow glow of dusk I fell into deep reverie, hands touching the ground feeling the essence of everything around me. As the stillness grew within me I remember hearing voices, sounds beyond any words, as if in a dream. This seemingly small experience changed how I see myself in the world.

When I put down the first layers of this painting, I had a vague idea about a horse wanting to become part of the imagery. As I relaxed and allowed the image to evolve the sage bush experience came flooding back to me. When I take the time to sit with the imagery, without thinking something magical happens. So it was in this painting where in reflection so much of my own symbolism appeared etched into the paint. Now that I paint medicine drums they always seem to appear which feels like there is a prayer offering in the story. Unlike much of my work this horse is not looking out of the canvas, rather gazing into the distance, maybe listening. This has me wondering what else the mustang might be wanting to share other than reminding me of my own journey. A painting to spend time with in contemplation.  Hope you enjoy this story.
Stay creative in your world – blaze

El Camino

ROAD TO SANTIAGO – A Personal Journey – 36″ x  34″  –  oil & mixed mediums on Belgian linen canvas
an intuitive oil painting momento of a personal journey using transpersonal art therapy symbolism.

This was one of the most wonderful painting experiences for me. I was asked to create a painted diary to mark a very important time in the life of an unusual young woman. She walked the Camino de Santiago and was changed forever. At first I was intimidated by having to interpret her story as a memento of meaning for her. We spent a lot of time talking and pouring over photos delving deeply into her journey from her own very personal insights. This gave me rich fodder for the interweaving of our combined contribution – Her story and my painting.

Stay creative in your world – blaze