Hello & Welcome to my Journal and ArtSite.
This is where I give myself permission to free-write without editing. On my paintings page I have profiled paintings created over the last 15 or so years. I love change and looking back I can see where my journey has taken me. Today I find myself in one of those yucky resistant times when creativity doesn’t flow. Susan Seddon Boulet my friend and mentor, once said to me to welcome these blocks as ‘the fallow field’ a vital part of the growth process. How interesting that with Covid-19 the fallow field is where we must be.
I am hoping that by tipping up here occasionally to share my thoughts I will come back to my creative heart . Meantime I have listed some paintings below with stories about their creation. They come from a time when I wanted my animals to be seen in nature where I felt they belonged. Each painting for me takes on a life of its own and this was my way of honouring this. In the next few months I will share my transformation into the next phase so hope to see you here again.
I would love you to contact me and let me know what you would like to know about me and my art – A bit of a starting point for me to write from!
For now blessings to you all – Blaze
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