IN PARADISE NOW -Moonbear-    oil & mixed mediums on Belgian linen

This beautiful moonbear is a detail from a larger painting inspired by images of Franzi, one of the first rescue bears at that Animals Asia Centre in China. Her eyes turned out to be so engaging I surprised myself. There was no resource material for this purely a  profound experience of connection with the rescued bears.

Even though I did not Franzi nor try to paint her portrait, rather found her story touched my heart to see that such suffering could become such peace love.
Yet she has resilience beyond what we know. When we look into her eyes, she rescues us. Surely that is our responsibility, to allow her rest and peace. Connecting with a Bear opens our hearts. The light in their eyes reflects ours. Thru their eyes we recognize life as one and the same – every life has a right to be lived according to the laws of nature. This truth might rescue humanity.

We are of one source. What you do to me, you do to each other. Once as you looked into my eyes you knew that I was a symptom of man’s inhumanity.
Today look into my eyes and see a part of yourself reflected there. See there a reflection of your human compassion. When you stop long enough to look deep into my eyes you will find nourishment. The loving connection between one species and another. Each lifetime can be heaven on earth for all beings.
Don’t stand by and watch suffering that you can help end.
Your actions matter.

Thank you for visiting. Keep creative – blaze